SpongeBob Audition Info

Auditions are now over. Click here for our CAST LIST
Audition Dates: May 6th & 7th, 2024
The Franke Center
214 E. Mansion Street
Marshall, Michigan 49068
4:30-6:30 pm
Auditions open to current 4th grade through 8th grade.
All auditionees should attend EITHER
Monday May 6th OR Tuesday May 7th and be prepared for callbacks on Wednesday, May 8th.​
All production team members and volunteers 18 and over will be required to submit information for a background check before participating in the show.
If you have any questions, please contact producers Cassie Lucas-Moore at 269-420-2834 or Mary Weeks at 586-453-7103.
Production Team:
Producers: Cassie Lucas-Moore & Mary Weeks
Artistic Director: Chris Fulbright
Assist. Artistic Director: Remee Morse
Music Director: Jordan Harrell, with assistance from Meagan Ransom
Choreographer: Elliana Ebner
Monday & Tuesday, May 6h & 7th
4:30-6:30 pm
Music: All auditionees will be asked to sing the SpongeBob theme song in groups. You may reference videos on YouTube, this link with lyrics: https://youtu.be/oW_vfQeWMjY?feature=shared. Or this, instrumental only if you know the lyrics: https://youtu.be/ysxcsn1WfLY?feature=shared. No other music preparation is necessary. However, if you are auditioning for a named character role, you will be asked to perform a solo piece, provided at auditions, from the show.
Readings: All auditionees will be asked to “cold read” from the script, provided at auditions.
Choreography: A short dance combination will be taught and performed during auditions. Wear appropriate clothing and shoes that you can comfortably and safely dance in. Please bring a water bottle with you.
Callbacks are not anticipated, however if the Director needs to see more, you will be brought back Wednesday, May 8th at 4:30 pm.
Callbacks are not a guarantee of a role, also please do not be discouraged if you do not get a callback.
If you are cast, there is a $75.00 pay to play for this production. Scholarships are available if needed. Please contact a producer if you need a scholarship.
A read-through/parent meeting will take place soon after the cast has been selected. This will allow the production team to clearly outline expectations of the team, cast and parents. The cast members will be given their scripts so that they can begin working on their role. (date to be determined)
Rehearsals for this production will begin Monday, June 3rd at the Franke Center, Marshall, Michigan.
Rehearsals run Monday-Friday 4-6 pm at the Franke Center, Marshall, Michigan.
There will be no rehearsal over the fourth of July weekend, July 4th-5th.
There will be no rehearsal July 11th-12th due to our high school production, Anastasia opening.
** Conflicts will need to be listed on your audition sheet in order for them to be honored.
** Starting Tech Sunday, July 21st, ALL cast members must be present, no exceptions.
Important Dates:
Load In Sunday: July 14, 2024
Tech Sunday: July 21, 2024
Show dates: July 25th, 26th & 27th
Audition Form
A link to the Audition Form can be found below. Please print this form, fill it out, and bring it with you to auditions.
Character Overview
French Narrator-is the first voice the audience hears. This role is great for an actor with a strong speaking voice. This role pops up throughout the show at key moments. A conscientious actor with excellent timing.
SpongeBob Square Pants-is a bright, imaginative, and determined sea sponge. Above all else, SpongeBob is an optimist! He loves his job at the Krusty Krab and life in Bikini Bottom, and he always believes in the best of others. The audience follows SpongeBob for the entire show, so the actor must be charismatic and engaging with a fantastic stage presence, strong singing and dancing skills along with excellent comedic timing.
Gary-is SpongeBob’s pet snail. This is a good role for a newer performer, as Gary only utters their signature line ”Meow” a couple of times. This role is easy to double with an ensemble member.
Patrick Star-is a pleasant starfish and SpongeBob’s best friend. Though Patrick sometimes lacks common sense, he is well-intentioned and truly values his friendship with SpongeBob. Patrick is a gentle giant who is perfectly content to sit at home and watch TV - until provoked, that is. Patrick’s intelligence is often overlooked by the other characters. An actor with strong comedic timing and a solid singing voice is required. An actor who can balance SpongeBob’s hyper-positive energy with a bit of mellow, clueless enthusiasm.
Squidward Q. Tentacles-is a Giant Pacific octopus and the complete foil to SpongeBob. He is pessimistic, grumpy, and short-tempered, but he dreams of performing at the Bikini Bottom Bandshell. He may act arrogant and confident, but he desperately longs for an appreciative audience. Though Squidward is cynical, there is something endearing about him, and his signature number, “I’m Not a Loser,” should bring down the house. A strong singer, dancer and actor required.
Sandy Cheeks-is a feisty, brilliant squirrel scientist from Texas working on a research project in Bikini Bottom. Sandy is recruited by SpongeBob to help stop the volcano, and she's always got an idea up her sleeve. Sandy experiences fear and isolation throughout the course of the show, so the actor will be required to convince the audience of these different energies. Strong singer, actor and dancer is required.
Mr. Krabs-is a money hungry crab, and the owner of the Krusty Krab-home of the famous Krabby Patties - and SpongeBob’s boss. Mr. Krabs only cares about one thing; money. In fact, he sings a whole song about it! Sometimes, Mr. Krabs can lose perspective and treats his money and business better than his employees and own daughter. Krabs also has a bitter rivalry with Plankton, so these two actors should have fiery chemistry. Krab is featured in several songs, so an actor with a strong voice is required.
Sheldon J. Plankton-is a planktonic copepod and the show’s entertaining villain. He is Mr. Krabs’ rival and the owner of the Chum Bucket, the other restaurant in Bikini Bottom. Sheldon, along with his wife, Karen, is a schemer who will do anything to get ahead. Plankton is a featured singer, and although his solo can be easily spoken instead of sung, it’s important for this character to have a strong sense of rhythm. Most important trait in Plankton’s performance is the comedy, therefore an actor that can deliver the jokes the best is required for this hilariously villainous role.
Karen Plankton-is Sheldon’s spouse and, technically, a computer. Karen has seen it all and stands right beside Sheldon on every one of his schemes. Karen should be able to convey the fact that they are a computer/robot physically and vocally, so an actor who can make strong physical choices is required. Karen does not sing much, so this is a great role for someone still developing their vocal strength. She is a wonderful actor and dancer who makes a great counterpart to Sheldon.
Pearl-is a whale, and is Mr. Krabs’ moody teenage daughter. A typical teenager, Pearl is dramatic and self-involved and way more interested in her favorite band than someday taking over the family business. Pearl is known in Bikini Bottom for her powerhouse voice, so an actor who can really belt is required. A solid actor and singer is required.
Perch Perkins-is a perch fish and Bikini Bottom’s news anchor. Perch continues to report despite the deteriorating stability of the volcano. Perch does not sing a solo, so cast a good actor in this role with a clear speaking voice so nobody misses the important news updates.
The Mayor of Bikini Bottom-is a great featured role. They should be authoritative and calm but begin to unravel a bit by the end of the show. While they are not a ruthless fish, they do want to make sure they remain in power and are willing to point the blame elsewhere when things look grim. An actor who can play the glad handing politician to a tee is required. The mayor has no solos.
Sardine Devotees (5)
Sardines 1, 2 and 3-are looking for something to believe in after the news about the volcano, and they find it in Patrick! Actors in this role will be good singers and movers and can work well together as an ensemble. Great spots for younger/newer performers!
Old Man Jenkins- is a Townfish and a featured role for an ensemble member. Old Man Jenkins is the head of the angry mob who blames Sandy for the volcano but comes around in the end. This character has a few lines throughout the show and one brief solo. This role is perfect for an actor who has a good sense of physicality and a strong speaking voice.
Townfish 1, 2 and 3
Larry the Lobster is a featured role for an ensemble member. Larry has a few lines and serves as the Mayor's bodyguard. This is a great role for a newer performer who may not be ready for the responsibility of a lead. This role is great for a non-singer with a great attitude and who can bring the fun to this macho character.
Electric Skates 1, 2 & 3-are the rock stars of the underwater world. The actors are great singers and movers who work well as a group and can embody the rock star attitude!
Sea Creatures, Townsfish, Girl Fish, Cowboy Fish, BFF Letters, Sardines, Citizens, Chorus of Sponges, Angry Mob, Sea Anemones, Fish in Krabby Patty Costume, Mrs. Puff - a great place for anyone who would like to be involved in the show. The townsfish have a few spoken lines, as does fish in a krabby patty costume. The letters and sea anemones should be dancers or strong movers, but everyone else should simply have a willingness to put on a great show!