Want to be a Sponsor?
Corporate Sponsorship
Sponsorship offers a unique opportunity to support the arts while gaining visibility and connecting with our engaged audience. Your contribution will help us continue to produce high-quality performances, support local artists, and enhance the overall theater experience.
The Marshall Civic Players is a non-profit corporation that provides top-notch theatrical entertainment to more than 3,000 people each year. Join us for our 76th season by becoming a sponsor. In doing so, you not only demonstrate your support of the theatrical arts but also promote your company or organization to thousands of consumers in Marshall, Battle Creek and surrounding areas. (Fiscally sponsored by Encourage BC!)
Your sponsorship will help you connect with a desirable audience, whether it is just giving back to the community or offering your employees and customers an unforgettable arts experience.
Your sponsorship gives you exposure to over 3,000 annual patrons. Depending on the level of sponsorship, you may have an opportunity to become involved in direct marketing activities such as on-site displays, and other promotional campaigns. When you sponsor a MCP production, there are also opportunities to have your brand promoted in a variety of MCP marketing and sales materials.
Thank you for taking time to consider one of our sponsorship packages. Together, we can ensure that our 76th season is a resounding success and that the joy of live theater continues to thrive in our community.
____ $10,000 Corporate/Business Season Sponsorship: sponsor all 4 productions
Season Sponsor package includes:
Full page ad in all programs for the entire season
Recognition during nightly curtain speech for all performances during our regular season
Company logo on MCP website
Initial social media post thanking sponsor
16 Complimentary tickets to be used during the season (4 at each show)
Invitation to the 76th annual dinner/celebration
Recognition (or business logo) on show all posters
____ $2,500 Corporate/Business Title Sponsorship: single show sponsorship
Show Sponsor package includes:
Half page advertisement in the sponsored productions program
8 complimentary tickets to the sponsored production
Your name or business logo on the sponsored show poster
Recognition during nightly curtain speech for each performance of sponsored show
Invitation to the 76th annual dinner/celebration
____ $1500 Musician Sponsorship - helps cover costs for a live pit orchestra
• Choose fall or spring musical • Includes 8 complimentary tickets to the sponsored musical
Business/Individual Sponsorship Packages:
____ $1,000 Platinum
• Business/Individual name listed in show programs • Business logo printed in programs & listed on website • Initial social media post thanking sponsor • 16 complimentary tickets (expire August 3, 2025)
____ $750 Gold
• Business/Individual name listed in show programs • Business logo posted in lobby during our shows • Initial social media post thanking sponsor • 8 complimentary tickets (expire August 3, 2025)
____ $500 Silver
Business/Individual name listed in show programs • Business logo listed monthly on social media and website
Initial social media post thanking sponsor • 4 complimentary tickets (expire August 3, 2025)
____ $250 Bronze
• Business/Individual name listed in show programs • Business/Individual name listed on website • Initial social media post thanking sponsor • 2 complimentary tickets (expire August 3, 2025)
Click here for Corporate Sponsor Information
Click here for Corporate Sponsorship Order Form
Want to place an ad in our Program?
A program ad offers a unique opportunity to support the arts while gaining visibility and connecting with our engaged audience. Your contribution will help us continue to produce high-quality performances, support local artists, and enhance the overall theater experience.
Thank you for taking time to consider putting an ad in our program. Together, we can ensure that our 76th season is a resounding success and that the joy of live theater continues to thrive in our community.
Program advertisement opportunities:
Your advertisement will be for the entire season -in all programs this season!
____ Full Page ad $750 Includes 6 complimentary tickets to be used during the season (excluding fundraisers).
____ 1/2 page ad $300 Includes 2 Complimentary tickets to a MCP production (excluding fundraisers).
____ 1/4th page ad $150 Includes 2 Complimentary tickets to a MCP production (excluding fundraisers).
____ 1/8th page ad $75 Includes 1 complimentary ticket to a MCP production (excluding fundraisers)
Single Show Sponsorships $2500*
Single Show Musician Sponsorship $1500*
Corporate Season Sponsorship $10,000*
Business/Individual Sponsorship Packages*
$1,000 Platinum
$750 Gold
$500 Silver
$250 Bronze
Click here for program advertising information
Click here for program advertising order form
The Marshall Civic Players always welcome sponsorships. Whether for a specific production or a donation to the organization, your sponsorship is very much appreciated and allows us to continue to support theater for the community, by the community.
There are various ways you can pay for your sponsorship to our organization:
Fill out the order form (linked above) and send your payment or request an invoice
Visit our online donation site and choose "Make a Donation." Then at checkout, under "special instructions" please make a note on where your donation should be applied.
If you have any questions or would like more information, please email us at marshallcivicplayers@gmail.com or call Kristin Holbrook 269-274-7281. We want our sponsors to have the best experience possible, so we’ll work closely with you to customize the benefits that best meet your needs.
Send a check made out to EBC/Marshall Civic Players to:
PO Box 102, Marshall, MI 49068.